The management of a company is a complicated task that must be done with the knowledge of the different methodologies that can be applied to the different areas or departments of the same. It is important to know what methodologies there are that allow us to improve productivity and have the work better organized.



A proven methodology of success is the so-called Lean Thinking has its origin in Japan in the late 40s. This “Lean” thinking has two pillars, on the one hand, continuous improvement and the other hand radical improvement. The aim is to make companies and processes more efficient every time, but with the curiosity that this does not mean increasing the volume of dedicated people or resources or materials



One way to be more effective and more productive is to reduce everything that is not necessary or fundamental. If the costs created by the “no quality” are reduced, a process can be had without extra costs, that is, a process without those tasks that are far from contributing value to the product or final customer. If efforts are focused on those tasks that do add value and in continuous improvement, it is possible to increase the efficiency of the process or task and ultimately, of the company.



In every process, the cost has a fixed part that can not be eliminated and an extra part that can be reduced to the maximum. Any task that does not add value to a process should be considered a waste, and we should try to identify it and eliminate it as much as possible in order to have a truly effective, well-organized company with positive results.



There are many types of waste in companies. Some are tangible, and others are not. Information and communication is an aspect to consider that can be a waste in many cases because a bad transmission of tasks to be performed or even obtain and manage data that do not contribute anything can waste a lot of time and resources. The monitoring tasks and decisions is another waste when there are more people on the account involved in these tasks.

From the point of view of human resources, it would be a waste not to have motivated employees, to let talent out or to have people not defined their responsibilities.

Of course wasteful material, electricity and time is another waste that involves a cost to the company. That is why the correct organization of work reports an efficiency in daily tasks that only brings benefits to the company.



To improve the planning and thus improve the organization of tasks is important to take into account the tasks that really add value so that when it comes to organizing tasks do not spend the time to things that really do not matter.

The optimization of processes, the order of spaces and machinery, the systematization of certain jobs and the awareness of employees of the importance of continuous improvement is essential to be able to plan the tasks that are fundamental to give value to the final customer.



They should reduce or even eliminate those unproductive meetings that are only carried out routinely and out of habit. Repetitive tasks should be automated as much as possible, with the corresponding saving of time and improvement of their effectiveness. The improvement of communication between departments is another essential aspect since sometimes a bad communication can lead to the realization of tasks, reports and even products that are not what was required, and in this way resources will have been wasted and wasted time and effort.



Any company, process or task is likely to apply the Lean Thinking methodology. Improving productivity and having a productive company with well-defined and well- organized tasks is the way to succeed.


After reading this, have you thought about how this methodology could help you?