Each person in a team has knowledge and ability to do things that are fundamental to it, but it is also important for the whole team to work together as a whole. People individually can not work as a team without feeling part of it, and it is necessary that each one is really a member of that team and feel comfortable and part of it.

When many people work in the same direction, they can achieve great achievements and achieve goals much more effectively. In these cases it is when all the potential and creativity of each of the team members emerge, creating a perfect, strong and united set.



Trust is the key to teamwork, as members must feel calm and cooperate with each other. Workplaces are the perfect breeding ground for grudges and competitions to achieve one position or another, so when no one on the team feels threatened by another partner and no one is going to harm the work of others is when you have that confidence that allows everything to flow and go in the right direction. The struggle for power is an issue that brings many organizations head-on, and that clearly harms teamwork.

But of course, how to get a team where trust is the basis of everything? It is not simple, but it is worth investing in that it happens because the results are improved, the productivity increased, and innovation and creativity appear spontaneously.



The main thing is that there is a figure of a leader whom others admire and respect, who is not superior to the one they fear or who do not want to tell about the vulnerabilities of the work. Must be a person of the team with an honest character and in which the member’s trust, but at the same time should be a reference that transmits confidence and know how to do. There is no use to an authoritarian leader who has the team scared and fears for not meeting the objectives.


The communication between team members must be clear, sincere and open. Honesty among the members is essential, so there are no problems. That is why it is very important that each person on the team is clear about their role and what their responsibilities are so that no one has doubts about the importance of their contribution and how fundamental they are. If everyone knows the role of others, it also allows everyone to see their work as part of a whole and not as something isolated without utility.


The good work environment is very important to avoid teams that do not achieve their objectives. The creation of cliques within the teams is not advisable, and that is why it is important to detect it and put an end to it as soon as possible since they will only be able to harm in the not too distant future. Socialization among colleagues is one of the strong points for trust between them, both at work and outside of it.


What happens if the team fails or does not meet its deadlines? We must analyze what happened, but we must also avoid pointing out a culprit. When you work as a team, it’s everyone’s business, that’s why both achievements and failures are part of everyone, and there is no one to point out and make the team disintegrate.


The main task of each person on the team could be said to be that each one fosters that trust. The commitment, collaboration, good communication and knowledge of the employees within the team are essential to achieve success and be more productive and efficient


Does your team gather all these qualities?