If you live under a rock and are just now realizing this Sunday is Mother's Day, don't fret! We interviewed a few of our OmniCall Mothers to see what they would enjoy receiving, even if it were a last minute gift.

? keri virtual receptionist employee, telephone receptionist

Keri, Receptionist:

?You can't go wrong with Candles. The smell good kind or even aromatherapy; you can grab them from Bath and Body works and be done in less than 10 minutes!?


amber live call answering center director, virtual receptionist service employeeAmber, Call Center Director:

?Do you know how stressful it is to be a mom? Just kidding but seriously, I would love to receive a Massage gift certificate to get away and relax.?



christy virtual receptionist programming director, telephone receptionist directorChristy, Programming Director:

?I have a slight obsession with shoes so I?m always game for a new pair of heels. Maybe not your typical gift but I can guarantee she will appreciate it!?



shay virtual receptionist worker, telephone receptionist womanShay, Receptionist:

?I would absolutely die if my kids showed up with a gift certificate to get a nice manicure or pedicure!?



madison virtual receptionist, live call answering representative

Madison, Receptionist:

?I guess I?m more traditional because I would love to a beautiful bouquet of flowers! Simple yet thoughtful.?



karen virtual receptionist client director, live call answering directorBONUS! Karen, Client Relations Director:

?Okay, mine is a little more complicated but I think it would be great to get a coupon book of 12 things my son would do for me each month. Like take me to dinner, clean my house, etc. That would be a very thoughtful gift!?
Happy Mother's Day to all the lovely mothers out there! We appreciate you all!




